Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Facebook "Like" Blog Hop

Come on over and join the fun!

Coupon Savings in the South

Thanks Shannon!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

For Gabby

Remember Gabby?  Remember Kelly?

We put our ideas together and created these two pendants.
This one is for sweet Gabby:

And this one is for her mom:

 Please continue to keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, June 24, 2011

One lucky Auntie!

When my nephews are older and we actually live closer to them and they actually knew me better... I would wish they have these kind words to describe me...  My friend, Debby, from college ordered this for her sister in law.  Her daughter had these kind words to describe her Auntie.  So sweet, huh?  She even chose/requested the turquoise gem to go on the jump ring!

These are the cousins (minus Ryan who wanted nothing to do with Santa!) in 2009... It has been too long since we have been together.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I was mentioned!

Katherine mentioned me on her gift blog awhile ago and I completely forgot to thank her for the mention!!!  I have enjoyed reading her posts on fashion!  She provides an online "shopping directory and marketplace" where she showcases independent artists.  I love that she makes time to browse other people's sites and then showcase their products for her readers.  I know that she spends a lot of time into writing her posts so I always appreciate them when I read.  I don't always have time to comment, but I make time as much as I can because she really is a special blogger friend.  :)  I also enjoy her other blog that talks about a lot of different things: her life, hobbies, crafts, giveaways, and just random thoughts that are fun to read!

Thank you Katherine!!!

Hop on over to her blogs when you get a chance:

katherines corner


go shopping

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I was interviewed!!!!

A month ago I was approached via email by a lovely lady, Courtney.  She has a wonderful blog for moms and women in general.  She and her sister, Betina, run this awesome blog.  They talk about all things women.  You know... fashion, fitness, art, spit up, (lol) etc.! (They even have their own etsy shop!  Check it out... makes me want to have another baby!)  So, you can imagine how shocked I was that she found me!  Little old me... who just started a small, very small  business and blog!  And guess what, she featured me on her blog!!!!  I know!!!  I am soooo excited to share this with you!  Hop on over, read my short interview and then read their other posts -- they are great!!!!  

And if you are interested, you might want to join a new social network that I have joined.  It's through VoiceBoks that I have met so many amazing women.  For example, (in no particular order) Kelly, Veronica, Katherine, Kathy, Aurie, Michelle, Melissa, and Colleen... just to name a few!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Wonderful Project

Fellow Blogger, Aurie, is organizing a great project.  Please head on over here and read about it.  If you knit or crochet (which I do not!), please be sure to head on over.
I told her that I would join... If only I knew HOW!  
So, head on over here and help if you can:

Welcome to Our Good Life

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Forks, forks... and a baby spoon!

Some popular forks to share...
 for an anniversary:

 I love the dates!
 Most popular:
 Second most ordered stamps:
Name and date on baby spoon - CUTE!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To Have and To Hold...

Let me introduce you all to Kelly.  She is a new bloggy friend I met after joining VoiceBoks.  Through some commenting back and forth I found out that her daughter's teacher had invited the entire class to her wedding ceremony.  The entire class!!!  So, being a former teacher, I felt so touched by that gesture. I contacted Kelly and offered to stamp a fork set for her daughter's teacher!  This is what we came up with:

Her daughter loves her teacher and is looking forward to attending... follow Kelly, I'm sure she'll post some photos!

BUT for now, Kelly and her community are a bit busy helping out a little girl in their community.  Please stop by her blog to read about Gabby.  Read this, this, and then this.  Her stories will break your heart, but it will inspire you to help as well. Kelly and I are working on a pendant for Gabby and her mom.  I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Here's to love!

Edna lost her husband recently.  Her dear niece, Audrey, ordered this pendant for her:

I think it's so sweet, don't you?!

Then Audrey's neighbor, Stephanie, the very same week ordered this for her sister, who is getting married soon!  (that is our wedding anniversary!!!!)

I think this is equally sweet.
Here's to love... at both ends of the spectrum.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Wedding Shower

My daughter's teacher is getting married.  The class threw her a wedding shower.  Her fiance came too!  She was very happy.

 The moms worked really hard putting this together for her.  This is not her classroom.  It was a room at the school that was offered up for us to use.
 Many family members helped to contribute to make this a memorable time for Ms. Dini.
 That's my girly girl.  :)
 Class photo:
 Of course, a funny one was needed:
 The gift we made for her:

Sunday, June 5, 2011