Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thanks Pioneer Woman

... for helping me with dinner this week.

She made this and I made this:
(I used chicken and snap peas - ehhh, I'm all about winging dinner plans!  It's what i had on hand.)

My children love pasta.  So when I saw this, I knew I had to try it.  Such a simple recipe and so tasty!  It was a hit because !)  I put in extra "empty shells for baby girl (she's  not a cheese fan).  Those are the shells that look out of place and trying to squeeze their way into the casserole dish. I know you see them and how ridiculously out of place they look!  2)  I used fresh mozzarella on the top of half of this dish for the family members who love cheese -- especially stringy cheese! 
 And I made an extra smaller dish for Jim and Clare for dinner tomorrow!  :)
 Almost forgot to take a picture of the finished dish!  See... almost gone!  :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I am always so inspired by people who fight and fight hard when they are put to the test... 

Do you know a cancer survivor?  I'd like to hear your story.  Post a comment.  I will have my children randomly choose a story to feature.  And I will gladly make a survivor pendant (chain not included) for the winner of the story to present to the person he or she wishes to honor.  

I made this pendant for a friend whom I used to work with, Jerry.  Jerry's wife is a cancer survivor.  Lyn fought and fought hard.  She is a survivor!  I am so proud to make this for her and I hope she will be proud to wear this badge of honor.  Lyn, you are an amazing woman.  Congratulations!

Monday, August 27, 2012

A New school Year!

They have enjoyed a whole week of being with new friends and a new teacher.  I am so excited for them.  They are loving it.  And now... it's just me the little one.  He and I... we've been getting reacquainted with simple games and simple fun  (with some work in between).  :)
Fourth Grade and First Grade... here we go!!!!

Little one starts Pre-Kindergarten in a few weeks - twice a week for about 3 hours.  That's when I plan to visit the grocery stores!  It'll be strange, I'm sure...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

For a fellow August born BFF

she and baby girl became fast friends in 3rd grade.  Both are somewhat shy but friendly.  Both are artistic and love to create.  Both have a love for small furry things... mostly hamsters.  (Yes, we adopted one but that is another post!)  Both got along so well last year and I wish they had more time this summer to "play" together... Alas, summer vacation is over and now they are both entering 4th grade and unfortunately, will not be in the same class.  (insert very sad baby girl face when she looked at her class list today)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Busy here...

as now they are all turning 5, 7, and 9 respectively!

I'm exhausted.... and school starts in a few weeks!  I've missed blogging but I am having a blast with these 3!  Woohoo for summer fun and birthdays all in August!!!!