Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thanks Pioneer Woman

... for helping me with dinner this week.

She made this and I made this:
(I used chicken and snap peas - ehhh, I'm all about winging dinner plans!  It's what i had on hand.)

My children love pasta.  So when I saw this, I knew I had to try it.  Such a simple recipe and so tasty!  It was a hit because !)  I put in extra "empty shells for baby girl (she's  not a cheese fan).  Those are the shells that look out of place and trying to squeeze their way into the casserole dish. I know you see them and how ridiculously out of place they look!  2)  I used fresh mozzarella on the top of half of this dish for the family members who love cheese -- especially stringy cheese! 
 And I made an extra smaller dish for Jim and Clare for dinner tomorrow!  :)
 Almost forgot to take a picture of the finished dish!  See... almost gone!  :)


  1. oh yum!!! both of those dishes look so yummy!!

  2. wow, this really looks yum both of the dishes but I am biased to the pasta as I am a big pasta lover. I will definitely try this... as soon as I am able to find this type of pasta :)

    Spanish Pinay

  3. This I gotta try, Steph!! Mmmmmmmm!!! We are BIG pasta fans!
